Oakville Reiki - Animal Holistic Wellness

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Benefits of Canine/Pet Massage

Let’s talk about the benefits of massaging your dog. We think of massage as a form of relaxation but there is so much more!


✔️Improves circulation and lymphatic flow

-massage stimulates the circulatory system which improves the uptake of oxygen and nutrients in specific areas and throughout the body. It also helps eliminate metabolic waste through the lymphatic system keeping the body healthy.


✔️Reduces stress and anxiety

-massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is a “rest and digest” state opposite to the “fight or flight” mode in dogs. It helps decrease heart rate helping the dogs to relax.

✔️Assists in swift recovery from injury and surgery

-as we know that massage influences the circulatory system, having an increasing amount of nutrients into the tissues = accelerated healing!  Massage can also help loosen scar tissue and tightness that may be present.

✔️Decreases pain

-We’ve all heard of endorphins the “feel-good hormone” which is released during the massage session. This is a natural pain killer as endorphins inhibit the communication of pain signals. Massage also improves the flow of synovial fluid which lubricates the joints and keeping the movement nice and smooth. This helps arthritic dogs quite a bit with pain management-which ties into the next benefit


✔️Increases flexibility and muscle tone

-Massage and PROM help the joint work smoothly which increases flexibility. Massage is great for relaxing sore and tense muscles but when proper technique is used, muscle tone can be improved as well! Healthy muscles reduce the chance of injuries for puppies and athletic dogs,  and helps with mobility and strength for geriatric dogs!

Hmm... I feel like getting a massage now... talking about all these benefits!

At Oakville Reiki, we provide a wide range of services for all canines. A full listing of our services can be found here.