Oakville Reiki - Animal Holistic Wellness

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DIY Paw Sanitizer with essential oil every pet owner needs

I’ve always been a bit of a germ freak sanitizing everything but we are ever so careful now with environmental threats being so high.  Here’s an easy recipe for natural paw and hand (yes we can use it too) sanitizer with OnGuard essential oil!

I know many sanitizers use alcohol for the DIY recipe and it is super effective in getting rid of germs. But having a son who has sensitive skin, I opt out for Witch Hazel (without alcohol) as alcohol dries out the skin quicker. Adding aloe vera juice and vitamin E oil keeps our hands nice and moist as well! 

Witch Hazel is an astringent and anti-viral, making it a great choice for anything skin-related.  For the dogs, make sure you purchase vegetable glycerine-based Witch Hazel as isopropyl alcohol could be toxic if ingested.


In 30 ml glass bottle, mix


2-3 drops of OnGuard essential oil

2 tsp of Aloe Vera juice

1 tsp of witch hazel

1 tsp of carrier oil (coconut oil)

4 drops of vitamin E oil


And fill up the bottle with distilled water! 

After a walk, shake well and spray their paws and gently wipe using a towel.  Tap water would work too but distilled water will blend better with oils.  Enjoy germ-free doggie paws!